Our CARE Coach approach helps parents to Connect with their child, Ask questions that guide a child to think how to solve problems, and Reinforce and Encourage improvement goals. The workbook and online courses are provided in English and Spanish.
English | Español
To receive resources:
Strong Character: A Guidebook for Parents
The Strong Character workbook guides parents to help their children develop a positive mindset, healthy emotions, and successful behaviors. They learn to set goals and work to achieve them. They gain the skills they need to succeed.
The Nurturing Family Approach:
A Guidebook for Parents
The Nurturing Family Approach guides parents in developing nurturing skills as they build healthy family relationships. The workbook explains, with clear examples, the difference between punishment and discipline, the importance of consequences for poor behavior, and common problems and how to respond to them.

Strong Character: A Guidebook for Parents
The Strong Character workbook guides parents to help their children develop a positive mindset, healthy emotions, and successful behaviors. They learn to set goals and work to achieve them. They gain the skills they need to succeed.
The Nurturing Family Approach:
A Guidebook for Parents
The Nurturing Family Approach guides parents in developing nurturing skills as they build healthy family relationships. The workbook explains, with clear examples, the difference between punishment and discipline, the importance of consequences for poor behavior, and common problems and how to respond to them.
Strong Character: Parent—Online
Ingenium’s online Strong Character Coach: Guide for Parents teaches parents how to use CARE coaching. Parents help their children set and achieve goals, control their emotions, and do better in school. Engaging online content and interactive exercises make it easy for parents to learn and practice CARE coaching.